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Self-Inquiry is the Direct Path and a proven solution to help you live a fulfilling life by becoming conscious of patterns that detract you from authentic happiness. Whether you simply desire “stress relief” or you’re an experienced yogi seeking Enlightenment in this lifetime, you’ll find what It Is you are looking for…


Self-Inquiry Arunachala India Program

Join us for online Satsang with Nick Gancitano and for programs in Tiruvannamalai, India — or learn about our weekly introductory-level class. Join in conscious community with other participants on the path of Self-Inquiry, and learn how to cultivate and refine your practice for the deep dive into Self-Realization.

Nick Gancitano

Nick Gancitano comes from the Ramana Maharshi lineage. He has been disseminating the Self-Inquiry and Jnana since 2001. As the Spiritual Director of The Self-Inquiry Center, he resides in State College, PA, and seasonally near Arunachala in Tiruvannamalai, India, where from Satsang is broadcast worldwide online biweekly. Inquire for details.

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The Self-Inquiry Center

Since 2001, The Self-Inquiry Center continues to attract sincere seekers of truth, those questioning their past spiritual practices and those who have not yet discovered an authentic transformative process for spiritual awakening. The Center’s purpose is to help people be more at peace and happy in their lives through the realization of transcendental truth. The Self-Inquiry Center offers innovative, transformational programs, unique in the field of nondual spirituality. You can support The Self-Inquiry Center by making a contribution through the “Donate” button above.

“By deepening your awareness of Self, you feel a melting of imaginary boundaries where form meets formlessness and You become aware that You are one with All.”

Nick Gancitano


What is meant when you say only Self-Inquiry leads to Self-Realization?

NICK: All paths lead to Self-Inquiry. If “I” am always here, then the “I” is the only logical point of focus if one wishes to find the permanent subject, That which is eternal. All objects are temporary, and therefore cannot be the eternal Self. All effort eventually leads back to “I” by inquiring “Who am I?”, so why not begin there and shorten your quest?